Lauren Bailey: Quota Busting Sales Tactics

“Reps are getting dumber” is the line Lauren Bailey caught the crowds’ attention with at JumpCon 2019. If you haven’t heard of her, Lauren Bailey is a powerhouse full of knowledge. She is not just an expert salesperson, Lauren also started #GirlsClub and Factor8.

#GirlsClub is an organization for women to support one another in the sales industry. Lauren recognized a lack of women in sales leadership roles; what better way to combat this than establishing a support system. Factor 8 is a rep and manager training program that drives inside sales topline growth.

Back to Lauren’s talk art JumpCon, watch the video below.


Lauren spoke about unemployment being down and customers getting smarter. It’s taking more to close deals but the pool of salespeople to choose from is slim. From the women’s panel that Lauren was also on, she suggested having a female write the copy on the sales recruiting page. This encourages more females to apply for sales roles simply by staying away from phrases like “crush quota.”

On sales, Lauren said that the state of trust in the sales industry is only about 3%. Customers do not trust salespeople. In the age of connection and transparency, sales is an uphill battle. However, if salespeople are equipped with confidence, they have a better chance of success. To instill confidence in reps, they need ongoing training and development resources—shoutout to Factor 8.

To kick off this training, here’s a snippet of advice from the founder of Factor 8 herself. Lauren said, “you have to get to first base before you can hit a home run.” With that, a voicemail is not an opportunity to reach first base or in Lauren’s words, “no one ever bought a damn thing from voicemail.” Her voicemail rules are that they should always be under 20 seconds and you should always leave one.

Lauren’s voicemail class is FREE for JumpCon followers. Go to to register.


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Welcome To Out Table: Women In The Workplace Panel

4 Reasons Why Businesses Outsource Their Sales Teams

How To Make Your B2B Sales Process More Efficient