Are your clients being left behind?

Becoming an entrepreneur can be a liberating experience. Many people thrive when they can create their own schedules. However, there are many pitfalls that await business owners.

Approximately 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. This occurs for various reasons, such as poor market need, improper budgeting, and premature scaling.

Another major factor is poor client retention. If you have a poor client management strategy, your clients will choose a competitor instead.

If you suspect that your clients aren’t getting the experience they should, there are certain customer retention methods you can implement. Let’s explore some of the most notable.

Create a Memorable Onboarding Experience

One of the best client retention strategies you can utilize is creating a strong onboarding experience. This makes a powerful first impression that leaves your clients satisfied.

It will also prevent mistakes from arising. For example, new clients will often remember mishaps during the onboarding process.

To get started, consider using well-timed email triggers and follow-up messaging. This will make onboarding feel more official. You should also provide access to resources clients can use to educate themselves.

Maintain Communication

Your clients won’t always reach out on their own. They might expect to hear from you first.

It’s crucial to be proactive when communicating with clients. This helps you anticipate their needs and create opportunities to upsell.

Developing a communication calendar can streamline this process. As your number of clients grows, it can be difficult to manage them appropriately without a schedule.

Communication calendars can also alert you of key customer behaviors. For instance, you could receive a notification if a customer has interacted with your brand since onboarding.

Cultivate Trust

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. This is especially true for the one your business has with its clients.

Entrepreneurs often mistakenly use sales numbers as an index of trust. Just because someone buys from your brand doesn’t mean they trust it.

This connection takes time to build. Attempting to rush its development will alienate your customers.

A key component of trust is reliability. The experiences you provide to your clients should be consistent. They should know what to expect when they contact you and anticipate the results they’ll get.

Always follow through on promises your brand makes. It’s also best to acknowledge your company’s mistakes. This illustrates accountability and that you have your client’s best interests in mind.

Remember that trust can be broken in an instant. Even a single incident can cause irreparable damage to your reputation.

A great example is the 2017 Equifax data breach. After this occurred, the company never fully regained consumers’ trust. Avoid scenarios like these at all costs.

Provide Personalized Experiences

Personalization is a simple way to add a large amount of value to your services. No two clients will have the exact same needs. Offering tailored solutions goes a long way toward client satisfaction.

This also means you should avoid implementing universal solutions. Personalization will convey that you view each client uniquely and value their relationship.

Develop a policy that assesses each of your client’s needs. You can then develop unique solutions for their problems and provide a better experience.

Have Robust Customer Support

Having a strong customer support policy goes a long way. Issues will arise occasionally, and customers will need assistance. If they are left to resolve them on their own, they may choose another company to work with.

Part of having a strong customer support policy is being accessible. Your audience should be able to reach you at any time of day or night.

It’s customary for many businesses to offer 24/7 customer support. They can achieve this through outsourcing this service.

As time goes on, assess the efficacy of your customer support policy. If it’s falling short of your goals, don’t be afraid to rework it.

Be Open to Feedback

Always stay open to client feedback. They might have ideas for ways you can better meet their needs.

Their feedback can also help you assess strategies that need work. After all, you can’t expect to retain clients if you aren’t willing to listen to them.

Sending a client satisfaction survey is a reliable way to gather useful information. Keep these surveys brief and ensure the questions are straightforward. You can also offer clients a chance to submit a feedback form.

If your company uses a phone system, allow customers to provide feedback after each interaction. Using multiple client communication methods will likely yield the best insight.

Offer Unique Services

The best way to stand out from your competition is to offer something unique. Depending on your niche, this could be a complicated process.

Regardless, it’s imperative to develop a product or service that solves a unique problem. One of the most common ways to do so is by making someone’s life easier.

There’s virtually no limit on what you can create. For instance, you could develop software that removes an entire step in someone’s workflow. The more you can help your audience, the more likely they’ll choose your brand.

Develop a Customer Retention Program

Many companies neglect the utility of customer retention programs. When handled correctly, they can be one of the most effective ways to manage client relationships.

These programs are essentially a group of various tactics. Regardless of which you use, they should reward customer loyalty.

A customer retention program could involve giving clients a discount after their first year with your company. You could also send gifts or provide additional services.

Another time to reward your clients is after providing feedback or referring others. Structure your program so you can ensure it provides something of value to your clients. Check your business metrics as time goes on so you can assess how effective your program is.

Never Neglect Customer Retention

Having the right customer retention strategy in place can keep your clients satisfied. From here, you can strengthen your relationship with them and avoid issues you may have otherwise encountered.

JumpCrew prides itself on bringing our clients’ visions to life. We strive to exceed their expectations through passion, innovation, and empathy. Book a meeting today to learn more about how we can help.