Why Customer Experience is The Biggest Priority For eCommerce Companies

The market for customer experience management is estimated to be worth over $16.9 billion by 2026.

Customer experience is the most important thing eCommerce businesses are focused on right now. People shopping online are a vital part of your business for more reasons than just paying the bills.

We’ve all had amazing experiences with companies that make us feel great. Sometimes, we’ve had some really bad experiences that left us dissatisfied. Now that consumers have so many ways to share experiences online, eCommerce businesses cannot afford to ignore customer experience.

It’s easy for e-commerce businesses to start, so competition is becoming more relevant. To remain true to your brand, you need a marketing strategy that works for existing and new customers.

If you stand out from the crowd with great customer experience marketing, your eCommerce sales will increase. Keep reading to learn more about creating an amazing customer experience.

What is Customer Experience?

Business-to-business (B2B) sales is when a company sells products and services directly to businesses instead of directly to consumers. B2B customers want the same level of convenience as their B2C counterparts.

Personalization is a key part of B2C customers’ experience. It’s no different for B2B customers.

Personalization means tailoring every part of a business’s marketing, advertising, sales offers, and communications to fit the individual needs of each B2B client.

You should get to know your business customers, what they need and expect, and understand their business goals. If you can give them experiences that exceed their expectations, you’ve accomplished a positive customer experience.

Companies that meet this need and integrate omnichannel capabilities with their existing systems and processes will be ahead of the competition.

Maintain Client Relationships

B2B sales usually have a higher order value, take longer to sell, and are more complicated than direct sales. But things have changed a lot in the last few years, and the old ways of selling B2B aren’t working.

Developing a customer experience strategy is vital to stay in business. People expect to get something from brands they trust that they won’t forget.

A vast majority of people expect businesses to listen to their needs and give them a good customer experience. They’d rather be treated like someone than just another deal to close.

Improve Customer Satisfaction Rating

Customer satisfaction correlates directly with revenue. A fully satisfied customer brings in more revenue than a somewhat satisfied customer. A somewhat dissatisfied customer brings in less revenue.

Improving the customer experience means going above and beyond what your customers expect. It makes life easier for them and keeps them coming back.

Think about how often you’ve bought from an online store because they always deliver the same product. If they fail to deliver, they’ll apologize and give you a discount.

Discounts work with B2B sales, but they will only accept subpar services for so long. They want to know their business matter. You’ll have better results, including a higher satisfaction rating, the more you treat them with respect.

Industry Can Become Unforgiving

B2B customers tend to be more forgiving regarding your industry and current relationship. That doesn’t mean they won’t be disappointed if your service or products aren’t top-notch.

On the contrary, it can be the other way around. Losing a B2B client can have a bigger effect on your business than losing one in B2C relationships.

The value of a single B2B customer is much higher. Plus, B2B can cost a lot more to acquire than B2C. Hence, it’s really important to make sure your customer experience is top-notch from start to finish during customer experience marketing.

B2B Marketing Has Benefits

The biggest advantages of customer experience marketing have two main points. One is the higher customer retention rates, and the other is the savings on operational and acquisition costs.

When companies change their customer experience processes, they experience a noticeable growth in revenue, higher customer satisfaction, and even better employee satisfaction. They also experience savings on operational costs.

Whether you’re dealing with B2B or B2C clients, dealing with real people and how you make them feel is important.

Give a B2B Strategy Meaning

It should be a wake-up call if you don’t know who your competitors are. Either there’s no market for what you offer, the market is new, or you think you won’t have any competition.

Market Analysis

Market analysis is key to your B2B strategy. You’ll need to break away from what your competitors are saying by making your brand stand out. That will require developing a competitive advantage in your B2B marketing strategy.

Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are really important for any marketing strategy. They help you see things from the customer’s point of view and ensure you can service their needs. B2B sales teams must reflect the clients’ core values.


It would help if you also segmented your value proposition to focus on the issues and problems your potential customers face.

Your B2B strategy should focus on providing a great customer experience at every step of the buyer’s journey. Building strong relationships improves the customer experience and increases eCommerce sales.

An Experience With Value

Your ultimate outcome is to provide a customer experience. You are responsible for looking at what the client asks for and developing a B2B strategy to improve eCommerce sales.

If you’re unsure what the request is or don’t see how it ties in with the overall strategic plan, talk to your client about it.

The client’s main concern is if you can deliver what they’re asking you to deliver on time, on time, and within budget. The customer experience is what seals the deal.

Are You Ready For a New Experience?

You may not have a lot of tools and resources at your disposal to provide an amazing customer experience. Outsourcing B2B sales and B2B marketing can help your company grow.

We’d love to tell you more about our services and how we can provide the necessary tools.

Jumpstart your marketing strategy. Contact JumpCrew to book a consultation today!